Let’s End

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My Departure Letter
Exactly seven years ago, I co-founded Pay Our Interns (POI). Founded is a generous term; it was a campaign on Facebook run by two college dropouts, Guillermo and me. We had no money, jobs, or degrees to fall back on. We did have grit, an arc towards justice, and a...
California news: AB 266 goes in front of the Higher Education Committee
Today was the day! Pay Our Interns joined the Office of Assemblymember Tasha Boerner Horvath as AB 266 went in front of the Higher Education Committee. Watch the full hearing here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L1TrXv26qbM
FEDERAL NEWS: We join Reps. Smith and Moulton in advocating for intern pay
Reps. Smith and Moulton Lead Colleagues in Effort to Guarantee House Interns Earn a Livable Wage April 3, 2023 WASHINGTON, D.C. – Representatives Adam Smith (D-Wash.) and Seth Moulton (D-Mass.) are leading an effort to guarantee interns in the...
MEDIA: Pay Our Interns interviewed for Roll Call
By Justin Papp Posted March 21, 2023 at 1:24pm A bipartisan coalition of 25 advocacy groups, think thanks and individuals is warning of a “crisis for staff” if Republicans roll back discretionary spending that had boosted pay for House staffers. Republicans are...