by POI Administrator | Aug 11, 2021 | In the News
Ending unpaid internships means ending unpaid internships for *all* sectors. We’ve been working with Rep. Castro and Rep. Lee to end unpaid internships at federal agencies, including making sure State Department interns are paid. Thank you to NowThis for...
by POI Administrator | Aug 6, 2021 | In the News
In honor of National Intern Day, Pay Our Intern’s Executive Director Carlos Mark Vera, spoke to NBC News Now to discuss the evolution of paid internships on Capitol Hill, and why Pay Our Interns is focusing on the Department of Labor...
by POI Administrator | Jul 30, 2021 | General, In the News
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE, July 29th, 201Contact: Jess Huang, Jess@payourinterns.org571-442-7263 Pay Our Interns Calls on Department of Labor to End Unpaid Internships and Form Internship Task Force Initiative Part of Coalition Effort for 2021’s National Intern Day...
by POI Administrator | Jul 29, 2021 | In the News
By: Patricia GuadalupeWASHINGTON — Lázaro Bosch is a recent college graduate doing an internship with NASA — an opportunity that wouldn’t have been possible if it didn’t include a paycheck. “Not only did a paid internship allow me to relocate to D.C.,...
by POI Administrator | Jun 14, 2021 | In the News
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE June 14th, 2021 CONTACT Regina Monge 786-488-6344 Pay Our Interns Announces FY22 Congressional Priorities Equitable Internship Initiatives Gain Momentum on the Hill Washington, D.C. — Today, Pay Our...