Happy Labor Day!
Over this long weekend, Pay Our Interns is taking time to reflect on the importance of Labor Day, and how the holiday reflects in the movements that we see today.

Labor Day was originally formed in the 1880s, from movements driven by trade unions and labor movements. It was a day named to recognize the workers who had fought to improve the conditions of industrial labor, organizing for political action and industrial standards.
While we’ve seen the fruits of their labor in the decades and century since, we’re also seeing the legacy of their work, in the protests of today. And we need to pay attention.
From the teachers who are fighting around the country for more pay, to the social work students who are rightfully demanding they be compensated for their work as they enter a challenging and understaffed profession, to the fast food workers fighting for a seat at the table, the spirit and the importance of the fight clearly continues.
We face more challenges than ever as a society, from the lingering fiscal and social effects of the pandemic, to the challenges presented by climate change. We have to come together as a society to solve them.
This is why on Labor Day, Pay Our Interns is announcing a reaffirmed commitment to supporting grass roots organizations as they continue to fight for rights in their spaces. We are working together to support the Payment for Placement national movement, as they continue to fight for paid social work practicums/internships.
Please take the time to learn about their story, and we hope you’ll join us in advocating for their efforts. And if you’d like to work with us on future efforts, please reach out.