Most United Nations Interns Go Unpaid

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Most United Nations Interns Go Unpaid
–It’s Time to Change That


In February, Rep. Joaquin Castro (TX-20) introduced the Department of State Student Internship Program Act; its companion was introduced by Sens. Cory Booker (NJ) and Tim Scott (SC) in early March. The bill requires the State Department to pay its interns, and provide housing and travel assistance–a huge win for qualified young people interested in foreign service. 

But most United Nations internships are still unpaid.

Like the State Department, internships at the UN create pathways to careers in foreign policy, but unpaid internships present barriers to those pathways. In collaboration with the Fair Internship Initiative in Geneva, we’re calling on Department of State Secretary Blinken and US Ambassador to the UN Linda Thomas-Greenfield to support the reform of the UN internship program, to include compensation for interns,which will allow for a more diverse pipeline of American diplomats, well-prepared to represent our interests abroad.

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